The Nauvoo Betterment Association is dedicated to enhancing the perception of Nauvoo's appearance and amenities by making the town more comfortable, interesting, attractive and user-friendly to both its citizenry and visitors. The Association promotes and encourages improvements to the quality of life in Nauvoo through short-term and on-going action committees. These groups help build community pride with the assistance of local groups and individuals who are interested in the community, both present and future.
Making Nauvoo a Better Place One Project at a Time
Formed in 2007 by then Mayor John McCarty with co-chairman Durrell Nelson and Karen Ihrig, the NBA has been intrumental in a variety of city improvments. The Association is responsible for the creation of the city website, facade improvements to city hall, city park upgrades including new playground equipment, Mulholland Street Walking Tour, benches placed in the park and along Mulholland, Nauvoo Riverwalk and wildlife signage, the See Nauvoo Newsletter, seasonal banners for Mulholland Street, and the painted piano on Mulholland Street. They have a tree committee responsible for the city's Arbor Day events and Tree City USA tasks. They also organize many events in Nauvoo including the Earth Day cleanups, Memorial Day picnic, Meet the Candidate nights, and Scarecrow Stroll.
Tourism Director/Event Coordinator
Always room for more!
Project ideas have come as suggestions from a variety of local citizens who are interested in seeing "positive changes in the appearance and perception of Nauvoo." They are always looking for new members! Contact current co-chairmen Carol McGhghy 217-617-5182 or Barb Schafer 319-470-0495